Template Name : Borneo Books
Author : Borneo Templates
Url : www.borneotemplates.com
Designer : Herdiansyah Hamzah
Url Designer : www.herdiansyah.net
Template Description : Borneo Books is another proffesional blogger templates. This is premium templates categories with magazine style design, 1 colums mainpage, 3 columns footerpage , elegant menu navigation horizontal dropdown, automatic readmore with keep aspect ratio post thumbnails resize, twitter share on homepage, facebook likes on homege, share button ready on postpage (with print, pdf online and send email button), no image needed, best view on Mozilla, Chrome, Opera, IE 6,IE 7,IE 8 and IE 9, SEO friendly blogger title hack installed to help you rank higher in Google, and more.
Borneo Books Privacy Policy : First, do not change the credit link at the bottom of this template. delete or modify this template links, as well as premises did not appreciate my work. Second, this template for free, not for sale. for it is forbidden to sell this template to any company or business without my knowledge, and Third, after you see a live demo of this template, please leave your comment. this is important as an input for me to make a template that is much better in the future.

How to Use Borneo Books Templates?
First, you have to change template logo. Please use logo with black color background (#000000) with size 200px witdh and 50px height. Open your page element tab, and choose edit header. Do not forget to expand "instead of title and description", and upload your logo image from computer.
Second, you have to change link url on menu navigation horizontal dropdown. Simple way, just open your edit HTML tab (No expand widget templates needed), and find code "menuwrapper" or "menubar". Change url link and label name with your url link and label name.
The last step, add your twitter widget on footer column. Open your page element tab and add new HTML/Javascript wdiget. After that, input this code below :
Notes : change the orange code with your twitter username. That's all. Hope you enjoyed and happy blogging. If you have question about this template, please contact us with mail message on mail [at] borneotemplates.com.
Author : Borneo Templates
Url : www.borneotemplates.com
Designer : Herdiansyah Hamzah
Url Designer : www.herdiansyah.net
Template Description : Borneo Books is another proffesional blogger templates. This is premium templates categories with magazine style design, 1 colums mainpage, 3 columns footerpage , elegant menu navigation horizontal dropdown, automatic readmore with keep aspect ratio post thumbnails resize, twitter share on homepage, facebook likes on homege, share button ready on postpage (with print, pdf online and send email button), no image needed, best view on Mozilla, Chrome, Opera, IE 6,IE 7,IE 8 and IE 9, SEO friendly blogger title hack installed to help you rank higher in Google, and more.
Borneo Books Privacy Policy : First, do not change the credit link at the bottom of this template. delete or modify this template links, as well as premises did not appreciate my work. Second, this template for free, not for sale. for it is forbidden to sell this template to any company or business without my knowledge, and Third, after you see a live demo of this template, please leave your comment. this is important as an input for me to make a template that is much better in the future.

How to Use Borneo Books Templates?
First, you have to change template logo. Please use logo with black color background (#000000) with size 200px witdh and 50px height. Open your page element tab, and choose edit header. Do not forget to expand "instead of title and description", and upload your logo image from computer.
Second, you have to change link url on menu navigation horizontal dropdown. Simple way, just open your edit HTML tab (No expand widget templates needed), and find code "menuwrapper" or "menubar". Change url link and label name with your url link and label name.
The last step, add your twitter widget on footer column. Open your page element tab and add new HTML/Javascript wdiget. After that, input this code below :
<div id="tweets">
<script src="http://widgets.twimg.com/j/2/widget.js"></script>
new TWTR.Widget({
version: 2,
type: 'profile',
rpp: 10,
interval: 1000,
width: 210,
height: 240,
theme: {
shell: {
background: 'transparent',
color: '#666666'
tweets: {
background: 'transparent',
color: '#666666',
links: '#4aed05'
features: {
scrollbar: false,
loop: true,
live: true,
hashtags: true,
timestamp: true,
avatars: false,
behavior: 'default'
<script src="http://widgets.twimg.com/j/2/widget.js"></script>
new TWTR.Widget({
version: 2,
type: 'profile',
rpp: 10,
interval: 1000,
width: 210,
height: 240,
theme: {
shell: {
background: 'transparent',
color: '#666666'
tweets: {
background: 'transparent',
color: '#666666',
links: '#4aed05'
features: {
scrollbar: false,
loop: true,
live: true,
hashtags: true,
timestamp: true,
avatars: false,
behavior: 'default'
Notes : change the orange code with your twitter username. That's all. Hope you enjoyed and happy blogging. If you have question about this template, please contact us with mail message on mail [at] borneotemplates.com.
Best Regards,
Borneo Templates
maaf oot, mas saya mau order template premium: themes today, tolog kirim detail harga dan pembayarannya ke email saya: ag.staaar3@ymail.com ya..
Order aja mas via email : mail [at] borneotemplates.com. Thanks
ReplyDeletesudah request 2 hari yg lalu tapi belum ada respon
ReplyDeleteOke, saya cek dulu. Mungkin emailnya masuk di spam. Thanks
ReplyDeletemana mas kok belum direply, kalo berkenan biar cepat kirimkan saja detail harga, no. Rekeningnya ke email di atas, thanks
ReplyDeleteEmailnya sudah dibalas, silahkan dicek. Thanks
ReplyDeletehi !! i like this tamplate very much and i wana installed it in my blogger but :::
ReplyDeletei have a probleme with it :: whene a post something with image, this image will not be showed in the home page :'( help me please !!!
What is your blog url link? Let me check first. Thanks
ReplyDeleteCara mengganti tweet di bawah header gimana? maaf baru bljar juga ngeblog neeh.
ReplyDeleteMasuk ke halaman edit html (jangan lupa dicentang), lalu cari kode #share, #share1 dan #share2. Hapus atau ganti share button yang Anda inginkan. Thanks
ReplyDeletediatas postingan, artikel tersendiri bukan Home, julak-net.blogspot.com trimakaasih Mas Bro.
ReplyDeleteSiip Saya coba dulu Mas. Tengkiyu.
ReplyDeleteOke, semoga berhasil. Thanks
ReplyDeleteIya, udah benar petunjuk sebelumnya. Dicoba aja dulu.
ReplyDeletethis is my blog, please help me, http://tessst05.blogspot.com/ :: look the photos in home page don't showed :'(
ReplyDeletehi, i like this tamplate so much it's very organized, but unfortunately i have two problems with it,
ReplyDeleteFirst :: Whene i post something with out title, the photo of this post does not appear on the home page
Second :: Whene someone click in the "Share" button of facebook in the post, it will share the blog not the post, in the sense whene a click in share button of facebook it shared juste the photo and the title and the description will not appear in facebook, it just shared photo and the title of the blog :(
i hope that you can help me, and thank you so much for your help
Your first post does not have image, your second post is wrong url link (do not change url link after you upload post), and your third post is not have a header post. Try to make better post on your blog. Thanks
ReplyDeletebut Whene someone click in the "Share" button of facebook in the post, it will share the blog not the post, in the sense whene a click in share button of facebook it shared juste the photo and the title and the description will not appear in facebook, it just shared photo and the title of the blog :(
ReplyDeletei hope that you can help me, and thank you so much for your help
I've been check your blog testing. The problem is, your post url is broken. Do not change url after you upload new post. I suggest you to try a new post with image and title post. And try to share again on facebook or twitter.
ReplyDeleteit's work, thank you so much frero ;) you are the best, i'will installed this tamplate in my blog in arabic,Greetings ;) <3 <3
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome. Happy Blogging.....
ReplyDeleteplease can you modify the tamplate for me ??? because it's in english & i want it in arabic, just you change the place of the post to be be from right to left, and "share button" in the left, i means transform all the blog vertical, and me i will transfer it to the Arabic, & When we finish it i will give you full rights to you in this version arabic, i hope that you'll help me,
ReplyDeleteI have some problem. Disqus not working on both post and static pages. On static pages, iframes or javascrips not working, instead showing the codes. Could you plz assist me.
ReplyDeleteDisqus comment system working better on this template. But for static page original from blogger is not, because this template have menu navigation on top bar.
ReplyDeleteOke, i'll try to help you. Send your request on mail [at] borneotemplate.com. Thanks
ReplyDeleteok I have sent you a message please check it !
ReplyDeleteOke, thanks
ReplyDeleteIt does does not work man. Its still same. I have already changed those even when i wrote about it. You can check it yourself from my bog. www.fareyferrai.com. and then share post in fb.
ReplyDeleteThe problem is your blog meta tag. I've been visited your blog, and when i view your source code, i found many error code in your meta tag. I suggest you to upload this template again. So, the old meta tag will be disappear to. Thanks
ReplyDeletean auto message from you sent me this : "Technical details of permanent failure:
ReplyDeleteDNS Error: Domain name not found",Are you sure that you received my message ?
Sorry, this is the true email : mail [at] borneotemplates.com
ReplyDeletehi brother ! thanks for your response, i like so much your tamplate; it's so simple and pro :D i wish that you can help me to create a arabic version of it ;) it'll be great :)
ReplyDeleteYou know that Arabic starts from right to left Unlike English.
so the first thing is : transform this tamplate verical, i mean to make what was in the right to the left, and what was in the left to the right ,, just like this simple photo
i just made this photo to explain to you :)
so whene you finished send me the tamplate and i will translate it to arabic ;)
So are you OK?
I am waiting for you
nice template, I'll review on my web
ReplyDeletethe #blog-pager not working :-(
ReplyDeletethe blog: http://blogger-israel.blogspot.com/
where are you bro ! ? i'm witing you :'(
ReplyDeleteSorry, this is the true email : mail [at] borneotemplates.com
ReplyDeleteSorry, this is the true email : mail [at] borneotemplates.com
ReplyDeleteok no probleme, i sent you a new message !!! please check it ;)
ReplyDeletei'm waiting :(
ReplyDeletegan itu cara hapus/ganti tombol follow@borneotemplates gimana gan ????
ReplyDeleteane udh pake template ente gan ... thx gan ... kunjungi blog ane www.nusantara666.blogspot.com
gan kok gan di bales ... cuma komen nya aja yang di munculin ???? ane kan pantengin blog ente terus :'(
ReplyDeleteYou have to posted more than 6 post. Thanks
ReplyDeleteLet me see first. I'll send you mail after i finished.
ReplyDeleteoki thank you so much, I'm waiting you !!!
ReplyDeletei send u an email. hope u can reply soon :) really love ur works.
ReplyDeleteplus, why there is no "< body >" in the borneo books html template??
terus langsung saya tanyakan di sini ya :
ReplyDelete1) Di page utama, tiada thumbnail picture untuk setiap post. Bagaimana mahu munculkan thumbnail tersebut?
2) Kenapa tiada " < body > " dalam template tersebut...
Hapus kode yang di bawah aja. Yang pertama itu kode share button twitter.
ReplyDeleteBody was there, try to find on edit html page element.
ReplyDeleteMya i konow your blog url link? Let me check first for image thumbnail. But i suggest you to do not use tag ", change with '. Thanks
ReplyDeletenAh GAN yang jadi pertanyaan selanjutnya ... kok waktu ane ngepost postingan baru yang ada gambarnya kenapa gk muncul gambar tumbnail di halaman awal blog ane gan ??? YANG MUNCUL CUMA TULISAN DOANK ..???
ReplyDeleteMohon pencerahannya ya gan ... ane pantengin lagi blog ente :)
oh ya gan ... ane lupa ... gk cuma postingan baru ... tapi ada juga postingan yang ada gambar nya tapi gk muncul di halaman utama blog saya gan ... mohon bantuannya :)
ReplyDeleteyay thx worked... u need to remind that the nav work only with 6 posts! but thx man :-) btw what do u think about my RTL?
ReplyDeleteMau tanya gan...
ReplyDeletegimana ya cara agar postingan yang ada gambarnya bisa tampil di home page?
Mohon pencerahannya...
you didn't forget me, did you ?? !!!!
ReplyDeleteMotivation best in here http://fadhlyashary.blogspot.com/
ReplyDeletewhere are you ??? :(
ReplyDeleteSorry Tiktak, i have been finished my new premium template. So, i did not see your comment.
ReplyDeleteNo, sure i remember my brother.
ReplyDeleteJangan menggunakan tag tand " dibagian judul post Anda. Thanks
ReplyDeleteJangan menggunakan tag tand " dibagian judul post Anda. Thanks
ReplyDeleteohhhhhh congrat brother ::: i'm so happy for you ^^,,, oki no probleme i'm waiting the tamplate :!!!! please :p
ReplyDeleteBe patient, i try to find more time to help u. Sorry for that.
ReplyDeleteok i'm waiting you, just don't forget me please ^^
ReplyDeleteOk, do not worry about that. I did not forget your request. Thanks
ReplyDeleteIs it possible to have the widgets at the bottom of the home page show on post pages also?
ReplyDeletenot yet ?? !! oki i'm waiting :'(
ReplyDeletekeren banget nie simple tapi asik
ReplyDeleteThanks for this lovely template. But I have a problem with pagination. I have 8 posts total. My settings is set for showing 5 posts on the main page. What could be causing the problem?
ReplyDeleteThis is my blog address: http://yenibilinc.blogspot.com/
Thank you
saya sudah download tapi kok judul blognya gak bisa di ubah jenis tulisannya dan berwarna hitam..
ReplyDeletekakak borneo, ini klo mau nambahin sidebar di sebelah kanan gimana caranya? tolong aku dikasih kodenya. terima kasih.
ReplyDeletenot yet ??? 2 months ago & i'm waiting !!! oki thanks for evrything ;)
ReplyDeletecan we add sub menus to other labels , as we have in contact us and catagories??
ReplyDeleteini biar gadgetnya gak keliatan di home page sama static page doank gimana? makasih
ReplyDeleteHey, this is beautiful, but I'm having problems:
ReplyDeleteI put an image into the post, but it doesnt appears as a thumbnail in the home =/
kya fcebuk ya
ReplyDeletelike it :) cant you add the psd logo
ReplyDeleteoh dear, you must upload your own image to blog posts, no just copy-paste from other website(s)
ReplyDeletewordpress boleh guna kaa?
ReplyDeletebisa gk klo nambah gadget di samping kiri/kanan? thanks before
ReplyDeleteview page nya kok ga bisa readmore ?
ReplyDeletecoba check di http://sidsblog09.ngetik.me/p/archive.html
Bisa aja mas, tapi harus diubah format pada bagian css kolom templatenya. Thanks
ReplyDeleteTemplate ini masih format blogspot, belum diconvert ke worpdress. Thanks
ReplyDeleteYes, we can. Depends of your request.
ReplyDeletekok pda saat membuka page about me gak bisa readmore/Continue Reading... ?
ReplyDeletesudah saya klik Continue Reading... beberapa kali tetap gak mau...
mohon bantuan
Saya menambahkan komentar facebook tapi kok gak muncul yah?
ReplyDeletekalo ditatuh di homepage muncul tapi di postingan nggak muncul..
yes i agree with this opinion, and I have some social media, and its one of these: Motor matic injeksi irit harga murah – Yamaha Mio J
ReplyDeletengerubah warna background postnya gimana ?
ReplyDeletenice !!!! I have problem that tweet count and like count are not getting refelect.
ReplyDeletehelp me with my blog spicytweaks.blogspot.com . How to dd a search window on menubar?
ReplyDeleteHow to add sidebar this template?
ReplyDeleteMu pasang iklan di dalam posting ko gak muncul aja?
ReplyDeletethis is amazing template. Simple and elegant!
ReplyDeleteThis is a very amazing and beautiful and simple blogger template. I like it very much. There is only one disadvantage!
ReplyDeleteCan you make similar template with one right side column?
Please.... :)
Hey, I'm Claudine. Thank you for the model.
ReplyDeleteI have a problem: I created a page "About me" but when I published it does not appear, what do I do?
How do I remove the scripit (print) template without harming it?
Again, thank you and I look forward to an answer.
Ps- If anyone can help me I appreciate it.
Borneo books will be update for 2.0 version and publish as soon as posible. Thanks
ReplyDeleteThanks, i'll make it sidebar appear.
ReplyDeleteThank you. Hope you enjoyed.
ReplyDeleteSimple, but you have to edit your html code.
ReplyDeletePostThumbnya tidak berfungsi, yang keluar malahan gambar http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-deaeXXpXtpc/TvIq8rnIM2I/AAAAAAAAAfM/QACPs-KpTec/s150-c/safe_image.gif
ReplyDeletecara menghilangkan auto read more nya gimana ? mohon pencerahannya .
ReplyDeletetemplatenya simple, saya suka, mohon ijin pakai templatenya kak :)
ReplyDeleteMas, boleh ngak bikin theme ini ke wordpress? Simple and smart mas.. kepingin pakai mas untuk wordpress.. plzz
ReplyDeleteSimple n clean...
ReplyDeleteane suka... udah lama ane cari..
gret job..Thanks..!
Mas ... kok fitur reply commentnya gak mau ya ? pas di klik gak ada respon sama sekali ?
ReplyDeleteTerus kapan neh borneo books 2 mau di lauching ?
how to add a widget to the side for skyscrapper ads
ReplyDeletekoq edit header nya ga ada??
ReplyDeleteLove this template. But static pages do not work -- the template puts a "continue reading" link into the static page, just like a post, and the link does not work to go to the full page. Is there any way to fix this? Thanks so much.
ReplyDeletethis template have a problem.. with the page.. :3
ReplyDeleteGreat Template.
ReplyDeleteThis is my arabic translation of Borneo Books template : قالب بلوجر Borneo Books معرب
Great Template.
ReplyDeleteThis is my arabic translation of Borneo Books template : قالب بلوجر Borneo Books معرب
http://www.box.com/s/ymcjiy5c8k66vt8t3qta please fix it, the reply comment not function?
ReplyDeleteHi Herdiansyah,
ReplyDeleteI love this template! Any plans to do a responsive version?
i have the same problem. Searched web for some fixes and but could not find exact solution. Can borneo template help us.. !!??
ReplyDelete@borneotemplates @twitter-850544972 Love this template. But static pages do not work -- the template puts a "continue reading" link into the static page, just like a post, and the link does not work to go to the full page. Is there any way to fix this? Thanks so much
ReplyDeleteTemplate nya keren, simple banget,
ReplyDeletemohon dikonversi ke wordpress yah om,
aku pengen make buat di wordpress..,
static page gimana mau baikinya gan...continue reading gak berfungsi..tolong dong
ReplyDeleteWhy is this template doesn't work with Static page? it seems that spoiled whole template of it. Somebody fix it please
ReplyDeletetempletex keren banget...
ReplyDeletetapi ane punya masalah gan
ane g bisa ganti headernya. please help me.. sangat suka templete ini.
numpang tanya mas..pada templet Borneobook, bagaimana caranya
ReplyDeleteMembuat Menu Navigasi Horizontal Tidak Bergerak..
ReplyDeleteThank you for your template. I like this template and I want to have G+ comment but this template not support. What do I do? How to edit ?
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone know how to edit this template? I want to change the categories list, and add my fb and twitter. I appreciate any help. thanks!
ReplyDeleteI can't seem to change logo. Any tips?