Platform : Blogger / Blogspot
Template Name : Borneo Press Blogger Template
Template Author : Borneo Templates
Url Author :
Template Designer : Herdiansyah Hamzah
Url Designer :
Template Sponsorship : Wordpress Themes Labs
Template Description : Borneo is premium blogger template with automatic featured slideshow, beautiful menu horisontal dropdown, 5 column footer, auto readmore with thumbnail resize keep aspect ratio, related post ready, share button ready on postpage, adsense and SEO ready, hosted image on blogger, best view on Mozilla, Chrome, Opera, IE 6,IE 7,IE 8 and IE 9, SEO friendly blogger title hack installed to help you rank higher in Google, and more.
After the payment process, please confirm your transaction with send email to info [at] Do not forget to attach your name, email and your country. Thank you.
Best Regards,
Borneo Templates
Template Name : Borneo Press Blogger Template
Template Author : Borneo Templates
Url Author :
Template Designer : Herdiansyah Hamzah
Url Designer :
Template Sponsorship : Wordpress Themes Labs
Template Description : Borneo is premium blogger template with automatic featured slideshow, beautiful menu horisontal dropdown, 5 column footer, auto readmore with thumbnail resize keep aspect ratio, related post ready, share button ready on postpage, adsense and SEO ready, hosted image on blogger, best view on Mozilla, Chrome, Opera, IE 6,IE 7,IE 8 and IE 9, SEO friendly blogger title hack installed to help you rank higher in Google, and more.
- Automatic featured slideshow widget (you do not have to put code manually again). This widget make you easy to customize your news update with your labels or categories.
- Menu navigation dropdown with to words. Support for all browser.
- Automatic readmore with thumbnail resize and keep image aspect ratio.
- Related post ready on post page.
- Button office ready (print, email and pdf)
- Share button ready on post page (twitter, facebook, linkedin and google plus)
- This template is SEO ready.
- Hosted all image background on blogger hosting.
- Best view on all browser (mozilla, chrome, opera and internet explorer all version)
- This template have just one purchase option, single use license only.
- Do not remove the credit link on footer section
- This template only be used at most 3 domains or sub domains
- This template protected by law. Every one can not steal.the source code or copy the design layouts from this template. Steal or copy is meaning copyrights violence.
After the payment process, please confirm your transaction with send email to info [at] Do not forget to attach your name, email and your country. Thank you.
Best Regards,
Borneo Templates
Mantabsss,nabung dulu deeh buat belinya.....
ReplyDeleteThanks Muro, for local residents, the price is different.
ReplyDeleteone of the best template so far from borneo template - I like it so much
ReplyDeleteThanks bro, and thanks for sponsorship to. So pleased to cooperate with you.
ReplyDeletebisa transfer via rek mandiri?
ReplyDeleteVia Rek. BNI bisa. Gunakan ATM bersama aja. Jika berminat, silahkan lakukan pemesanan via Thanks
ReplyDeleteOm, akan lebih baik, borneo press nya ada beberapa pilihan warna. jadi kita bisa pilih sesuai dengan kesukaan kita.. Saya tunggu jika Om berkenan untuk membuat pilihan warnanya.. Trims
ReplyDeletePilihan warna sebenarnya ada 2, blue and grey. Hanya saja live demo untuk grey saja. Kebanyakan malah order yang biru. Btw, trims masukannya. Ntar dilengkapi live demo dengan warna yang lain.
ReplyDeleteada g gratis gk sih?
ReplyDeleteada yg gk gratis gk sih?
ReplyDeleteada yg gratis gk sih?-__-
ReplyDeleteDipilih dan download aja yang lain mas, lebih banyak yang free kok.
ReplyDeleteKapan nie mas.. Relese Demo yang warna Blue nya.. Kalau bisa body Postingann nya pakai garis pinggir kotak juga. .. akan terlihat apik menurut ane....
ReplyDeleteBlue color udah ada sejak template ini dipublish kok. Garis pinggir untuk body postingan, ngk ada masalah. Tinggal menyesuaikan pesanan saja.
ReplyDeleteyang ini harganya berapa om..pengen beli euy,,mantep tempaltenya,,
ReplyDeleteUntuk teman2 di dalam, harganya bisa ditawar. Silahkan kirim pemesanan ke Trims
ReplyDeletehanya saran aja ni boss..
ReplyDeleteuntuk kedepannya di live demo template kasi artikel di page-nya juga boss misal pada page about us, contact ato lainnya biar kita tahu tampilan di page kyk apa.. soalnya kebanyakan readmore-nya ikut2an di page2 ini...
Template nya bagus2.
ReplyDeleteSaya tertarik dengan Newspaper-nya, via BCA bisa om...
ijin jadi publishernya gan
ReplyDeleteSilahkan, thanks before.
ReplyDeleteKomentar di Newspaper Themes sudah direply, silahkan dicek. Thanks
ReplyDeleteTrims komentarnya, masukan yang bermanfaat. Akan diusahakan ditemplate berikutnya. Regards.
ReplyDeleteminta ijin buat jadi publisher ya gan, soalnya keren-keren templatenya..
ReplyDeleteSilahkan mas, trims ya.
ReplyDeletemas kalau pesen themes bisa ga, kebetulan saya punya rencana buka direktori Jual beli, kalau bisa saya tunggu balasannya di
ReplyDeleteMohon maaf mas, berhubung salah satu admin pengelola blog ini sedang ada pekerjaan diluar daerah, jadi saat ini belum menerima order pesanan template. Tapi template toko online sementara dalam tahap pengerjaan kok. Ntar kami publish setelah selesai. Thanks
ReplyDeleteTemplate wae di dol rek,,,, sopo seng pesen njalok nang aku.?
ReplyDeleteAlhamdulillah, lumayan mas.
ReplyDeletevery nice template please give me a link for download please send me a link very very thanks
Thank you my bro, but right now this themes is still premium category.
ReplyDeletehmmm, mas. sepertiny keren ni templateny kalo mau sy order+didisainin sekalian d blog sy. kalo masny mas berminat dengan tewaran sy comment d blog sy yah
ReplyDeleteini mas blog sy sy order yg newspeper
ReplyDeletelangsung kontak k nope sy aja mas 085733734483
ReplyDeletemas, kalau minta buatkan template untuk sekolah bisa g' kita sudah punya hostingnya
ReplyDeleteBoleh, silahkan kirim pemesanan ke mail!, disertai dengan desain seperti apa yang diinginkan. Thanks
ReplyDeleteUntuk sementara, kontak kami masih via mail mas. Trims
ReplyDeleteNo.rek brapa bos?
ReplyDeleteNomer rekening kmarin berapa bos?
ReplyDeletenever ever give it away for free i wana buy it please if you giveaway i will not buy
ReplyDeleteUiiiii..julakkk Hendriii..umailahh bungas-bungas banar template ampun julakku ni..hahhayyy..kaya apa habarnya julak,lawas kada menjinguk kemari nah..baelang pang keblog adinda,dihadangilah...ayu ja mudahan sukses aza tuh pian julak hendri ai....hahahyyy
ReplyDeleteSorry Cris, but this template not free yet. You can choose anoher template from our collection. Thanks
ReplyDeleteWah, blognya makin mantap aja wal. Btw, blog pribadi saya pindah ke Mampir ya. Thanks
ReplyDeleteKalau mau beli template tapi pake transfer BCA bagaimana bang? bisa nggak? Thanks
ReplyDeleteUntuk sementara masih menerima pembayaran via PayPal mas. Sistem pembayaran via rekening sedang dalam konfirmasi.
ReplyDeletePlease send me this template in my e-mail :
ReplyDeleteI want to buy this template..What is price???
ReplyDeleteI pay for this template
Please sent to
ReplyDeleteI bought this template an year ago and since than i have twice contacted you and told you that the PAGES dont show, only POSTS show... Are you going to do it anything about it ??? please. We need the PAGES to display for about us and contact.
Downloadnya dimana?._.